Bitter cold windy day

Just a few days ago, I was talking to some people about how nice and warm this winter was. No ice storm like last year. I had to wear a winter coat only once or twice. We had some rain. The temperature had never been below 25F. What a mild Georgia winter! Lo and behold... this weekend surprised us with the dreaded winter cold snap.

We agreed that we would wheel down at 9AM. Instead of meeting at the Bud plant, we decided to start from the Sosebee Bike Park, just 2 miles from the plant. When I was on I-75, snow flurries hit my windshield. Just a tiny bit but that confirmed what the temperature was like. The current forecast was 38F with 15 MPH wind, it felt like below 32F. According to the forecast, the wind picked up 2 MPH every hour and the temp kept dropping. I wasn't concerned about the temperature. The wind was what scared me. As I was driving, I had to grab my steering wheel tight because I could felt the wind sway the car. I was looking at the pine trees. The branches were waving quite a bit. I got to the park and nobody was there. I checked my iPhone nervously. If they backed out on me, they would be in so much trouble. A few minutes later, Susan came. As soon as I saw the expression on her face, I knew she doubted whether she wanted to ride outside this morning. I said to her "is this stupid or what?". She couldn't agree more. We called Cadence Bikes to see if the spin room was open that morning. And... they were. Awesome! Apparently TNT Summer team had their GTS over there that morning. Cadence told us we could come this morning to spin. That was great news.

Sarah and Eric pulled up to the parking lot and we told them what our Plan B was. I knew they would not want to ride indoor, which was fine. At this point, we each had to decide what worked best for ourselves. You made a decision that you can live with for the next 3 hours (on the bike, that is). Michael joined Sarah and Eric that morning also. They were going to try to ride. If it was too cold and windy, they would drive down to Cadence. Susan and I left and got to Cadence around 10.30AM. As soon as I got from the car, the cold snap hit me. I was so glad we decided to ride indoor.

Cody set us up on the Computrainer. This time we rode the Ironman Germany course. It was a 2 loop course. Computrainer had 51.5 miles programmed, not sure why it was a few miles short. I found out later the elevation gain was 1,300. I forgot to mention something important. I got a new compact crank yesterday and got refitted also. The ride felt different from last week since I managed to stay in the big ring a lot more. I felt my right leg was over-extended a bit. My right knee kept brushing against the cable and my elbow when I was on the aero position, which was annoying. I may have to go back to Curtis to get adjusted.

After we rode 10 miles or so, Sarah, Eric and Michael came. They rode for 3 miles. Michael couldn't feel his fingers and decided to ride back. I felt bad for Eric, I don't think he could stand riding on the trainer. He was done after 28 miles, I think. Michael was done early also. Susan finished the course first. She was getting stronger on the bike. I finished second. I was so glad to be over. My sitting bone had a nagging pain after riding for 2 hours. The next morning I ran 9.5 miles on the treadmill. I was such a wimp. I didn't even want to walk to my townhouse to the club house which was around 1 mile. I drove and parked by the lake. I forgot what cold 14F felt like. I could hardly breathe.

The weather forecast from this weekend


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